
A meeting of commercial real estate experts and practitioners will take place at the end of March in Warsaw.
3 February 2025

A meeting of commercial real estate experts and practitioners will take place at the end of March in Warsaw.

On March 27, Warsaw will host one of the key events for the European commercial real estate market. The conference will bring together 200 top managers, investors, and experts shaping investment policies and sector strategies. It is a unique opportunity for thought exchange, trend analysis, and networking, defining the future of the real estate market ...
Anniversary conference on investment trends
21 February 2024

Anniversary conference on investment trends

One of the premier conferences for investors in the commercial real estate sector is a must-attend event for every manager influencing the development of their organization. The meeting is set to take place on April 10th at the Radisson Collection hotel in Warsaw and will provide an opportunity to connect with around 200 active market ...
See you on April 20th at the Radisson Collection Hotel or in front of your computer screens.
23 March 2023

See you on April 20th at the Radisson Collection Hotel or in front of your computer screens.

This year’s Partners and Sponsors of the “Investments in the Commercial Real Estate Market” conference include: PHN, MVGM, AXI IMMO and mBank. The conference will take place in a hybrid format – attendees can either join in-person at the conference hall or virtually from their office/home. After the substantive part, we ...
The registration process for the 9th Invested Interest Conference is open.
6 February 2023

The registration process for the 9th Invested Interest Conference is open.

We are pleased to announce the date and venue of the 9th Investment Market Conference. The conference will take place on April 20th at the Radisson Hotel in Warsaw. The conference will be held in hybrid mode. This year, for the first time, we also launched participation in the on-line formula. So we are looking forward to seeing you there. Tickets are ...
See you next year!
19 April 2022

See you next year!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Eurobuild’s 8th Investment Conference is now behind us, and has left with some wonderful memories. We would like to thank all the moderators and panelists ...
Prof. Kolodko to open the Eurobuild conference
25 March 2022

Prof. Kolodko to open the Eurobuild conference

On April 14th, at the Westin Hotel in Warsaw, you will have the chance to meet up with leading industry experts during the 8th Invested Interest Investment Market Conference, an event that will be graced by a lecture by a world-class economist. The world’s most distinguished Polish economist, an honorary doctor and honorary professor of eleven ...
Promotional prices until March 4th!
25 February 2022

Promotional prices until March 4th!

This year’s Invested Interest Investment Market Conference is now fast approaching. For those who have not yet managed to obtain a ticket, we have prepared a special promotion. Until March 4th, tickets can be purchased 25% cheaper by clicking on the registration link below. The promotion applies to both individual tickets and packages. ...
Registration is open
3 February 2022

Registration is open

The registration process for the 8th Invested Interest Investment Market Conference is now open. Tickets can be purchased individually or in attractive packages via our website in the ‘Registration’ section. You are welcome to contact us for further information.
Don't stop me now
23 April 2021

Don't stop me now

‘Don’t stop me now!’ – The real estate market has been riding on a very rocky road over the last year, but it now seems that a long, clear path of rapid growth has opened up before it. The speakers at Eurobuild’s 7th INVESTED INTEREST Investment Market Conference agreed that we are returning to a period of growth and that we need to seize the ...
Living on my own
19 April 2021

Living on my own

The PRS market in Poland is still in its infancy, but a few pioneers have already laid solid foundations for its further development. In front of our very eyes, Poland is being turned into one of the PRS’s promised lands on the map of Europe. The popularity of the Polish institutional residential rental market can be seen in the interest of domestic ...
REdefinition, REduction and REnegotiation in the office sector
15 April 2021

REdefinition, REduction and REnegotiation in the office sector

Despite the switch to remote working, office buildings have not become a thing of the past, although their function has been REdefined – offices are now places for meetings and creative teamwork. The REduction of occupied space and the REnegotiation of lease agreements have also become commonplace. In a week’s time, at Eurobuild’s 7th INVESTED ...
I want to break free
13 April 2021

I want to break free

The first transactions of the year are now behind us. In the present circumstances, it seems from the scale and volume of these transactions in first quarter that perhaps we have little to worry about. But are all the signs really pointing to another successful year? The experts will discuss this and the future of the real estate investment sector at ...
The Golden Boy
31 March 2021

The Golden Boy

The pandemic might have upended the plans of many in a number of sectors, but not of those in warehousing. The warehouse market is still one of the fastest growing real estate sectors. It has proven to be immune to the turmoil caused by the pandemic, which has in no way prevented it from flourishing even further. The outlook for warehousing remains ...
Are these the days of our lives?
19 March 2021

Are these the days of our lives?

These Are The Days Of Our Lives’ is both the title of a piece of music by a well-known British rock band and also the title of one of the discussion panels at the 7th INVESTED INTEREST – Investment Market Conference. It sounds quite optimistic, but are these really the best days in lives of those the real estate investment sector? Find out the answer in about ...
Piotr Kuczyński – the opening act of our investment conference
12 March 2021

Piotr Kuczyński – the opening act of our investment conference

On April 22nd, Eurobuild CEE will again play host to a dazzling array of leading real estate market experts. And to get us off to the best possible start, it will be opened with a lecture by outstanding economist and financial market analyst Piotr Kuczyński. The seventh ‘Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference’ will get underway at 9 ...
Investment under pressure?
15 January 2021

Investment under pressure?

April 22nd is when Eurobuild’s 7th Invested Interest Investment Market Conference will take place. The event will be distinctive in two ways: firstly, because we will meet again in a more intimate manner than usual (a TV studio as well as in your apartments or offices); and secondly, this year’s discussions will be guided by the spirit of a well-known ...
Biznes lubi ciszę
5 March 2020

Biznes lubi ciszę

Inwestorzy najchętniej lokują pieniędze tam, gdzie system prawny jest przewidywalny i przyjazny – to najważniejsze wnioski z panelu “Barometr podatkowy. Zmiany w systemach podatkowych w CEE w 2020 roku i ich wpływ na rynek inwestycyjny.” Zdaniem uczestników dyskusji inwestorzy zwracają dziś uwagę niekoniecznie na ...
Popyt jeszcze nasycony
4 March 2020

Popyt jeszcze nasycony

Branża biurowa szykuje się na dziurę podażową, a najemcy – na wzrosty czynszów i planowanie przeprowadzek z kilkuletnim wyprzedzeniem – stwierdzili uczestnicy panelu biurowego 6. Konferencji Eurobuildu „Inwestycje na Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych”, która odbyła się w warszawskim hotelu Intercontinental w ostatnich ...
Czarny łabędź na beczce prochu
3 March 2020

Czarny łabędź na beczce prochu

Jesteśmy w bardzo podobnej sytuacji co w roku 2008 – powiedział prof. Witold Orłowski, główny doradca ekonomiczny PwC Polska podczas szóstej konferencji Inwestycje na Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych, organizowanej przez Eurobuild Conferences, która odbyła się 27 lutego 2020 roku w hotelu Intercontinental w Warszawie. Poniżej ...
Polish warehouses still in vogue
3 March 2020

Polish warehouses still in vogue

The current increase in speculative warehouse development in Poland, as logistics, e-commerce and light production continues to boom in the country, is a reason for developers to build more – concluded the experts on the Warehouse Games panel, which took place during Eurobuild CEE’s 6th Invested Interest – Investment Market ...
Infectious investment talk
28 February 2020

Infectious investment talk

The supply gap on the Polish office market means that office buildings across the country will continue to enjoy great interest from both tenants and investors, agreed the panellists of Eurobuild CEE’s 6th Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference at the Intercontinental Warsaw hotel on February 27th. There was no such unanimity, ...
Rynek inwestycyjny pod lupą!
4 February 2020

Rynek inwestycyjny pod lupą!

Merytoryczny lunch, czyli dyskusja przy stołach tematycznych, to już stały element Konferencji Inwestycji na Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych. Formuła ta doskonale integruje grupę i pozwala na swobodną wymianę doświadczeń na tematy ważne dla rynku nieruchomości w nowym roku. Podział na sektory podczas lunchu pozwala na ...
2020 conference season gets going
14 January 2020

2020 conference season gets going

The first Eurobuild CEE conference of 2020 – the 6th Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference – is to take place quite early in the year, on February 27th. The end of February is a time when everyone, or at least most of us, have managed to recover from the Christmas festivities and are back from our skiing holidays. So it’s a very good ...
Nie taki e-commerce straszny
11 September 2019

Nie taki e-commerce straszny

Wzrost popularności e-commerce i zakaz handlu w niedziele nie wstrząsnąły wynikami sprzedaży i odwiedzalności większości centrów handlowych, które pozostały łakomym kąskiem dla inwestorów. Mocno przesadzone są także pogłoski o śmierci dużych, regionalnych centrów handlowych. Z prosperity korzysta branża magazynowa ...
Hot end to the year
11 September 2019

Hot end to the year

The investment volume on the Polish commercial real estate market is expected to reach EUR 4.3 bln in the second half of the year and this will drive the full figure for 2019 up to EUR 6.9 bln, according to Michał Ćwikliński the managing director of Avison Young Polska, who on September 10th gave a presentation at the 5th Invested Interest Investment ...
Rozpędzony rynek inwestycyjny
11 September 2019

Rozpędzony rynek inwestycyjny

Rynek inwestycji w nieruchomości komercyjne w Polsce przeżywa złoty okres. Zainteresowanie ze strony inwestorów nie maleje, pojawiają się też nowi gracze, zwłaszcza z dalekiego wschodu – wynika z dyskusji panelowej „Po wieże i mniejsze formy”, która odbyła się podczas 5. konferencji ”Inwestycje na rynku nieruchomości ...
O inwestycjach bankowców rozmowy
23 August 2019

O inwestycjach bankowców rozmowy

Po sparingu między inwestorem a najemcą, inwestorem a architektem, chcemy zaproponować sparing między bankowcem a… bankowcem. Przedstawiciele dwóch czołowych instytucji finansujących inwestycje na rynku nieruchomości komercyjnych spotkają się, aby skonfrontować swoje poglądy na temat aktualnych trendów inwestycyjnych. ...
A strongly supported conference
22 July 2019

A strongly supported conference

We are pleased to invite you to the 5th Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference, which takes place at the end of the summer break. Led by a number of highly distinguished experts, discussions will be held on the current state of the Polish investment market and what lies in store for it. We will be debating topics related to all areas of the ...
Threats to the world economy
22 June 2018

Threats to the world economy

Carlos E. Piñerúa, World Bank country manager for Poland and the Baltic States can see a possible end to the current economic global expansion and points to possible triggers such a geopolitical instability and a rise in interest rates in the US. “How large will that impact be?” he asked during the 4th Invested Interest Investment Market ...
Na początku jest klient, ale grunt to podstawa
22 June 2018

Na początku jest klient, ale grunt to podstawa

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Mieszkania pod wynajem zwracają uwagę coraz większych inwestorów stając się ciekawym produktem inwestycyjnym. Jednak tak, jak w przypadku innych ...
Moda na inwestowanie w nieruchomości
22 June 2018

Moda na inwestowanie w nieruchomości

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Domy studenckie, ośrodki dla seniorów, aparthotele i mieszkania na wynajem przyciągają coraz większą uwagę inwestorów. Jakie są atuty takich ...
Prawno-podatkowe zawirowania
22 June 2018

Prawno-podatkowe zawirowania

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. W jaki sposób zmiany w prawie wpływają na atrakcyjność inwestycji w nieruchomości komercyjne oraz jak rynek radzi sobie w dynamicznym otoczeniu ...
Trzeci krąg wtajemniczenia
28 May 2018

Trzeci krąg wtajemniczenia

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Warszawa i największe miasta regionalne na stałe trafiły do menu międzynarodowych inwestorów. Kiedy do karty dań inwestorów może dołączyć Lublin, ...
Polska w centrum uwagi czy na rozstaju dróg?
25 May 2018

Polska w centrum uwagi czy na rozstaju dróg?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Atrakcyjność inwestycyjna Polski pod względem lokalizacji w centrum kontynentu oraz jakości i ilości produktu jest duża. Jakie są jednak perspektywy ...
18 May 2018

Make your appointment before the conference!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the system we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the MatchMaker website. Make your appointments before the ...
Kucharski & Partners on investment
27 April 2018

Kucharski & Partners on investment

The Kucharski & Partners law firm is to be the contents partner of the 4th Invested Interest Investment Market Conference, organised by Eurobuild Conferences. Kucharski & Partners was founded in Warsaw in February 2018 by three lawyers with many years of experience of the commercial real estate market: Przemysław Kucharski, Bartosz ...
Distinguished guest to open the conference
23 April 2018

Distinguished guest to open the conference

Carlos Piñerúa, the country manager of the World Bank for Poland and the Baltic States, is to be the special guest of the 4th Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference. Carlos Piñerúa is a macroeconomist by training, with professional expertise in banking and financial sector issues and competiveness. He was employed by the ...
Kolejna edycja już 22 maja!
8 February 2018

Kolejna edycja już 22 maja!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 4. edycja konferencji Inwestycje na Rynku Nieruchomości Komercyjnych odbędzie się 22 maja 2018 roku w hotelu Intercontinental w Warszawie (ul. Emilii ...
11 May 2017

A new partner for the conference

Cordia, Hungary’s leading residential developer, is the latest company to become our Conference Partner. Cordia is a member of the Hungarian-owned Futureal Group, which is backed by solid capital and one of the largest property development and investment groups in the Central European region. Michał Melaniuk, the managing director of Cordia ...
Substantive lunch
28 April 2017

Substantive lunch

As was the case at last year’s conferences, this year’s lunch break will also be combined with a discussion session. The tables will be divided into three sections: the office market (tables A), the retail market (tables B) and warehouses (tables C). At each table there will be a discussion leader, whose task will be to moderate the discussions, ...
25 April 2017

Conference applications are now being accepted!

We encourage you to contact other conference participants before the event. Thanks to the system we are providing, participants will be able to communicate with each other before the conference and make appointments on the day of the conference. For more information, please visit the Match Maker website. Make your appointments before the ...
Book a room at a bargain price!
24 April 2017

Book a room at a bargain price!

All the participants of the Eurobuild conference who want to stay in the Intercontinental hotel during the event can do so for a special price EUR 195 net (PLN 800 net). The accommodation offered under this deal is a standard single room, breakfast included, on one of the specified dates: 16/17.05 or 17/18.05 Reservations can be made by email: ...
4 April 2017

Gold Sponsor of the Conference

We are very pleased to announce that Echo Polska Properties will be the gold sponsor of the event. Echo Polska Properties is a leading company investing in real estate in Poland and has the potential to double its portfolio in the years to come. Currently the company owns and manages 11 shopping centres and 10 office buildings with a gross leasable area ...
14 March 2017

This year's conference has already acquired three partners

MDDP will be the Content Partner. This is a firm with a leading position on the Polish market in terms of providing end-to-end advisory services related to tax, law, business consulting, finance, the outsourcing of bookkeeping and salary calculation and auditing, as well as offering professional training and conferences. Skanska, a leading ...
31 May 2016

Another three companies became conference partners

Panattoni as a Bronze Sponsor and DLA Piper and MDDP as Content Partners joined the 2nd Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference. Panattoni is a leading industrial space developer in Poland and also in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Romania, operating in the market since 2005. DLA Piper is a global law firm located in more than 30 ...
Industry ABC
16 May 2016

Industry ABC

As was the case at last year’s conference, this year’s lunch break will also be combined with a discussion session. The tables will be divided into three sections: the office market (tables A), the retail market (tables B) and warehouses (tables C). At each table there will be a discussion leader, whose task will be to moderate the discussions, ...
12 May 2016

Skanska and Orange to be conference partners

We are pleased to announce that The 2nd Invested Interest – Investment Market Conference partners are Skanska and Orange. Skanska is a leading international company specialising in the business of the construction and development of both office and residential buildings as well as Public-Private Partnership projects. The company, which has a ...
24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025,First Warsaw Golf,Rajszew
20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

JUNE 6th, 2025,Klub Tenisowy Warszawianka,Warsaw


June 10th, 2025,Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Łódź,
21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

SEPTEMBER 26th, 2025,Wioślarska 8, 00-411 Warsaw,The Tides


1 TICKET, participation in person
The price covers in-person conference participation including for the hotel, coffee breaks, the lunch and conference materials.
11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference
Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24