The 3rd Invested Interest - Investment Market Conference

17 May 2017, Emilii Plater 49, Warsaw, Intercontinental Hotel

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Current events Eurobuild Conferences

Schedule 2025

Schedule 2025

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6th June 20th Eurobuild Summer Tennis Tournament, Warszawianka Tennis Club 6th June 24th Eurobuild Golf Tournament, First Warsaw Golf Rajszew  6th June 2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament 10th June     The CPK – A New Chapter for Poland and the Commercial Real Estate Market, Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s ...
24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025, First Warsaw Golf, Rajszew
Once again, we have the great pleasure of inviting you to the 24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament, which will traditionally take place at the First Warsaw Golf course in Rajszew. During the tournament, three competitions will be held: Ladies' Longest Drive Men's Longest Drive Closest to the Pin As every year, alongside the tournament, we ...
2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament

2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament

JUNE 6th, 2025, ,
On your marks, get set, go! After last year’s debut of Eurobuild Run, we are proud to announce that we are preparing the second edition of this unique event. Once again, the race will take place in a picturesque setting, offering participants not only the thrill of competition but also the chance to enjoy the outdoors with friends and ...
20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

20. Letni Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild

JUNE 6th, 2025, Klub Tenisowy Warszawianka, Warsaw
Już po raz dwudziesty zapraszamy do udziału w wyjątkowym wydarzeniu łączącym pasję do tenisa z możliwością nawiązania cennych relacji biznesowych. Nasz doroczny turniej stanowi doskonałą okazję do integracji, networkingu i wymiany doświadczeń w niezobowiązującej atmosferze. Jak co roku uczestnicy będą mieli okazję ...


June 10th, 2025, Vienna House by Wyndham Andel’s Łódź,
The Central Communication Port (CPK) is a key infrastructure project aimed at creating a modern, integrated transport system in Central Poland. This project involves the construction of a central airport between Warsaw and Łódź as well as the development of a nationwide integrated transport network including a high-speed rail network, which ...
21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

SEPTEMBER 26th, 2025, Wioślarska 8, 00-411 Warsaw, The Tides
Last year in the Polish warehouse market was marked by maturity and stabilization—often synonymous with slowdown and stagnation. Are we now in a different reality, with developers unfreezing investments? Are investors negotiating new portfolio transactions? What are tenants looking for, and will they find it in Poland? How do ...
31st Polish Commercial Real Estate Market Conference

31st Polish Commercial Real Estate Market Conference

November, 19th 2025, NYX Hotel Warsaw,
The Annual Commercial Real Estate Market Convention has been organised by Eurobuild Conferences every year since 1994. Which means that this year, Poland’s longest-running and most prestigious gathering of real estate market experts and players will be held for the 31st time! As usual, the conference will feature the most eminent experts and ...